With change comes uncertainty. I left my hilltop home yesterday under the protective confines of Mount Chincogan feeling uncertain about where my life would end up, I was certain I'd made the right decision to follow my life where ever it would take me.
My last night was spent unceremoniously puking in the toilet after mixing white wine, red wine and a vodka, so my head spun like I was on the Claw at Dreamworld. I had nipped around to Cassie's for a drink at 6 pm and was home by 8.30 pm. Honest Guvnor.
It was such a glamorous new beginning to the first day of the rest of my life. I woke up feeling like I was 16 all over again, as my head throbbed and my stomach gurgled. I drank a cup of tea, which hit my stomach like a tsunami after an earthquake. With seconds to spare, I ran to the loo only to find my brother Dan occupying it, so I had to throw up in the sink in the bathroom, in the process blocking the drain with the remains of the previous night's fetta cheese, that Cassie had served on a lovely deli platter. You know when someone loves you (Dan) when they dig chunks of half digested fetta out of the sink that minutes previous had sat happily someone else's stomach to save you the indignity of having to do it yourself.
Maybe the pain of the hangover was to cover the pain of saying goodbye to my dog Jerry. I agonized about the decision whether to bring Jerry on the road trip with me. There were many reasons why I should: I'd have my best buddy sat in the front seat besides me (he looks so cute with a seat belt on), it would stop him running away with his dog mother, most importantly we'd be together. But there were many reasons against: He'd be away from his territory, he'd have to get used to staying at friend's houses, being cooped up in the car, and it would be harder to find a place to live in Melbourne. With Dan moving into the house, the decision was made the day before I left. Jerry would stay, Dan loves him and he loves Dan but it didn't make it any easier. It was like saying goodbye to a boyfriend (not in a beastilty way) but worse as Jerry had never fucked me over. When he realised I was going without him, he looked so dejected and unhappy, he lay on the floor comatose and I swear I saw a tear escape from his eye (or maybe it was eye gunk) Whatever, saying goodbye broke my heart. I was truly sad but I take comfort that he is with Dan and I will see him at Christmas and when I find myself settled with a nice big garden my lovely big dog will come and live with me.
Here's a picture of Jerry when he was trying out being a Muslim woman and some of my lovely house.
I cried and laughed, oohed and aahed - must've broken your heart to leave Jerry, he loves you so much. You lightened the mood at the end though with your comment about Jezzer's eye-junk. I thought the head scarf was Jerry's Thelma & Louise idea to include himself in your road trip.
ReplyDeleteIt's great you're off on your adventure, can't wait to read your book. Will email you proper on FB. Liz xx